You finally get within one goal in an intense game and your hands are shaking in nervousness/excitement as you get ready to tie it up… but wait! There will be no tying goal because the opponent scumbag has realized you are far superior and would rather just rag the puck for the remainder of the game instead of risking a loss they most likely deserve.
Even while just typing that I’m getting this deep feeling of anger boiling up. I think we can all agree that players who rag the puck are the scummiest of scumbags in the EA Sports NHL series and when I say rag the puck I don’t mean just retreating back to regroup the breakout behind their net, I mean legit playing keep away.
Fortunately, there is a way you can conquer these players besides never giving up a lead and we’re about to go over that two step process now.
Step One. Relax Your Offensive Zone Bias
Tip: Adjust your Offensive Zone Bias with left or right on the D-pad.
Make sure your human controlled player sits back as well, it would be best to take control of a defenseman in this situation so all forwards are AI controlled. Now just sit back and pretend you have given up.
Tip: Switch to the last player back by holding down “LT”(L2).
Step Two. Go Full Forecheck!
Usually during Step 1 the opponent scumbag will also just sit in one spot and wait for you to move, but you aren’t going to move at all(yet). Instead change your Offensive Bias to Full Forecheck!
That will make your AI forwards rush the puck carrier and apply pressure. This will either result in one of your AI regaining control or at least force the opponent scumbag to make a move under pressure and that will hopefully result in you regaining possession.
*Depending on your opponents puck ragging skill level you may be able to just skip step 1 and go straight to step 2.
In-fact, if you chase them with your human controlled player while in “Sit Back” pressure and then mid-chase push to “Full Forecheck” your rushing AI could catch them off guard.
So there you go you have a few ways you can utilize this method. The important part is utilizing the Offensive Bias strategically. Read more on NHL 17 Coaching Strategies.
My Example
Here is an example of myself using this tactic in a HUT game.
WARNING: Scenes in the following footage may induce uncontrollable rage.
*Strategy happens at the 25 second mark.
Unfortunately, I didn’t end up scoring in this spcific situation and I lost 4-3 but you can see how the strategy works.
If this post results in even just ONE puck ragger losing then it will all be worth it! I encourage you to let me know in the comments if it does work for you because it will make my day every time it happens.
Lastly, if you have any of your own tactics you’ve found effective against puck raggers then don’t hesitate to share below
See ya on the forecheck!
I need to experiment more, but there is a universal basic rule in ball games (atleast in Europe) that you should not ever press/forecheck against superior number of opponents who has the ball/puck in control. Maybe that translates in game that if you are playing against a talented opponent who likes to play slow attacks starting behind their net. The correct and most effective way to play against is Neutral Zone Trap. Then again against lesser player there is no reason to not use constant pressure.
Hey Dago, sorry for the late reply not sure how I missed this one!
Yeah, I could see that being effective. With so many AI out there, if you can make them unpredictable then you will have a big advantage for sure. I usually stick with the same strategy until I have a reason to change it, perhaps not the most proactive method
I totally agree with your universal rule in ball games. That applies to NHL for sure no matter where you are I think. You will often see online players skate back towards their own zone to try and draw you and your AI to them and then pass it up for an odd man rush. If you stay neutral biased then that won’t work. Of course, if you need a goal then you might need to be aggressive no matter what.
That little deceptive sit back then “Unleashing Hell” is a nice touch. He scrambled and got lucky. A few bad bounces and EA non pickups killed you i the end. Great post I’ll definitely try this method today
Great tactic. I’ll try that from now on. Recently I pulled my goalie against a scumbag who was puck ragging. It caused him to try to gain the offensive zone. I ended up scoring 6 on 5 and went on to win with a last second slapper in regulation.
Your full forcheck method seems much less risky with the same effect!
Such a good feeling to beat a coward who tries hiding for half of the 3rd period.
It’s funny how you start this video by saying, the “puck ragger” is a “scumbag” and that you’re “far more superior” but after you scored to get inside 1 goal of tying, you immediately when into SIT BACK strategy, waiting for him to come forward and GIVE you the puck back. That is the complete opposite of inferior…seems to me that HE (puck ragger) was more superior because you were too scared to come forward and actually GAIN the puck back with your “SUPERIOR SKILL”. When you’re down a goal, it is up to YOU to CHASE THE GAME…If you listen to the commentary IN THE GAME…you will hear them say those EXACT words after someone scores the go ahead goal. Hockey is a game of keep away…puck possession. If you don’t have the puck, you can’t score so tell me again WHY WOULD HE SKATE INTO YOUR BS “SIT BACK” TRAP, only to GIVE you the puck back???? It seems to me that you got outscored then out played. You clearly know how to pressure and gain the puck stop crying and adjust your strategies to pressure the puck (CHASE THE GAME)…OR SCORE MORE GOALS…You sound like all the rest of the whiney, lil, trash bag wussys that all sit back in their zone and DEFENSE RAG but cry about players that don;t come forward (puck rag) bc YOU need them to…NAH….QUIT CRYIN and adjust…other than that, don;t play..COD has campers and NHL has raggers….GET TF OVER IT!!!