A lot of people have felt that the passing in NHL 17 online game modes is broken or just more difficult in general versus last years NHL 16.
For example have you had this happen to you?
If that sounds like the problem you’re having then try adjusting your online pass assist slider. This is a new addition in NHL 17 that lets you adjust the amount of pass assist you have in online game modes – it defaults to 100/100. My theory is that it’s causing an over compensation so it’s not only helping you aim your passes but it appears to be choosing who you want to pass to as well.
Apparently pass assist is a big fan of the trailer while on the rush ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fortunately, it’s very easy to adjust, go to:
Customize > Settings > Controller Settings
Here’s a video in-case you aren’t familiar with NHL’s menus:
Try changing it to 70 if you aren’t sure what you prefer. That is about what the standard default was back in NHL 16 so should feel familiar to most returning players.
I tested it out with a couple buddies in some EASHL games and we all noticed an improvement right away. A lot less random passes going straight back when trying to pass cross crease. I brought this up on reddit the other day and appears it’s working for others as well: EA NHL subreddit post
Give it a try and let us know in the comments if it helped or not 🙂
really looking forward to your coaching strategies. A lot of the stuff you cover I already know but I did learn something’s from everything you wrote in your tips. Keep it up good work!
Hey Jon, thanks! Will try to get that one up this week. Working on an EASHL player class guide now and then will finish the coaching strats guide. Not sure if you are subscribed to post notifications or not but either way I’ll comment back here when that strats guide goes up to let you know 🙂
Sorry Jon, saw this comment again and just realized I forgot to follow up when I posted the coaching strats! Here is part 1: https://cheltips.com/coaching-strategies-offensive-defensive-neutral-zone/ – you will find the link to part 2 there as well. I know this is almost a month late but hopefully better late than never 😀