The following HUT price checker currently includes all Movember, HUT Hero, and TOTY players. I started tracking prices on March 9th to see how much they changed after TOTY was released, probably should have started earlier – oh well. If people find this useful then I do plan to continue doing it, but if not then I may stop shortly after TOTY is over.
How are the prices checked? I’ve been checking them daily between 3PM-11PM PST. Yes it’s a pretty wide time frame – I try to check them at a consistent time each day, but not always possible due to work, life, other excuses.
- Average Price = the average of the 3 lowest BUY NOW prices at the time of price check
- Lowest Price = the single lowest BUY NOW price at the time of price check
What about 10,000,000 or other unrealistic buy now prices? I exclude them so they won’t skew the averages. If a “Buy Now” price was clearly set for trading purposes or whatever reason then it wasn’t included in the average calculation. In those cases, there might be only one or two prices used to calculate the average, depending on availability.
What if a player wasn’t available at the time of price check? You will see an empty cell in the table.
***Lowest and Average prices do NOT mean the items were necessarily sold at that price. This is more to just get a general idea of the current value and history for each player/collectible that is included below.
***All price checks are done in the XBOX Auction House.
Movember Players
All Movember players. You will notice that not all players histories go back to March 9th; that is because I missed some for the first few days. Oops!
Average Price
The average of the 3 lowest BUY NOW prices for each respective Mobember player at the time of price check.
[wpdatatable id=6]
Lowest Price
The lowest BUY NOW price for each respective Movember player at the time of price check.
[wpdatatable id=5]
HUT Heroes
Includes all HUT Heroes.
Average Price
The average of the 3 lowest BUY NOW prices for each respective HUT Hero at the time of price check.
[wpdatatable id=9]
Lowest Price
The lowest BUY NOW price for each respective HUT Hero at the time of price check.
[wpdatatable id=10]
TOTY Players
I’ll continue to add TOTY players as they are released. Includes all non-NHL TOTY’s as well.
Average Price
Average of the lowest three BUY NOW prices for each TOTY player at the time of price check.
[wpdatatable id=18]
Lowest Price
The lowest BUY NOW price for each TOTY at the time of price check.
[wpdatatable id=8]
Average of the three lowest BUY NOW prices for Gold, Carbon, and TOTY collectibles.
[wpdatatable id=13]
*Keep in mind it is the average of the lowest THREE Buy Now prices at the time of price check.
I know what you are all thinking? Thanks… but um, do you have a life!?!? Yeah it’s questionable. I’m sacrificing my ice time for this. So you better like it!
See ya on Wall Street in the Auction House.
This is awesome. Thank you for this.
Np, glad you find it useful!
This is a great site
Many thanks for all your hard work ?
Np, appreciate it 🙂
This is so great! There should be more people doing this to help create a more extensive players guide that would help so many players excel in the game. Major props dude you did an awesome job! Looks like you put a ton of work into it. I really hope you continue to work on this in the future.