Okay, maybe you might know about some of these but there is a very good chance you don’t know about them all! I actually didn’t even know about the first one until a couple weeks ago and I’ve been playing the EA Sports’ NHL series for over a decade. No idea when that was added into the game but definitely a handy functionality to know.
Do you already know about them all? Perhaps I’m just a noob still 😀
1. Control Last Player Back
How: Hold LT(L2) for a couple seconds
Ever been trying to swap to the last defender back while your opponent is on the rush and you seemingly swap to every player EXCEPT the one you want? Yeah you’re not alone. Simply hold LT(L2) and you will switch to the last player back.
This applies no matter where the puck is on the ice. If you don’t have possession of it and hold down the player switch button then it will swap to the player closest to your goalie.
2. Focus Camera on Your Player
How: Press “Select” button during play.
Most relevant when player locked(EASHL/OTP)
You can press select in order to focus the camera on your player instead of the puck. This is useful when you are playing a position that requires you to be away from the puck covering someone. Here’s an example:
I did this as forward in the above video to illustrate; however, It’s most effective as a D man. Especially when your opponent is trying to cherry pick up the ice off screen then you can swap it to the player focused camera and make sure you keep that passing lane blocked off.
3. Become The Goalie
How: Hold LB(L1 on PS4) and A(X)
You will often see higher ranked players in Versus or HUT using this tactic to stop breakaways, you may already be using it yourself.
As you begin to play more skilled players you will realize that breakaways = instant goals against your AI goalie.
So the solution is to become the goalie yourself! This might sound scary, but just remember that it’s almost a guaranteed goal if you don’t so you might as well try it. Example:
You can do the diving poke check by pushing up on the left analog and pressing the X or Square button. I highly recommend going into the Goalie Practice mode before even attempting this just so you can get familiar with the basic goalie controls.
Another technique is the fake out. Become the goalie for a second to make them think you will dive out, but then swap back to a player letting the AI takeover goalie again. This can throw them off just enough to mess up their breakaway attempt.
The key here is to be unpredictable. Most scorers get right in close to the AI goalie to score, this is what makes the dive out so effective. With that said, if they figure out that you will always dive out then they will just wait for you to do it and pop it in the empty net so make sure you mix it up!
By the way, if you are allowing so many breakaways in a game that you actually need to try multiple goalie techniques on one opponent then you have bigger defensive issues to deal with! Make sure you check out our Defense Guide, if that’s the case.
4. Pull The Goalie(Without Pausing)
How: LB(L1) and “Select”
**If you’re using “Hybrid” controls then it is LT and A(L2 and X)
You’re down by one late in the 3rd and just managed to get offensive zone control – great time to pull your goalie! Of course, pressing start would be a terrible idea in that situation so instead you can just press LB and “select” at the same time.
5. Slap Pass
How: Pull back the right analog stick for a slapshot then press the pass button(RT or R2). Make sure your left stick is pointing in the direction of the player you are wanting to deflect the pass.
*You don’t need to let go of the slapshot at the same time – continue holding the right stick back and just pass, that’s all there is to it! The pass can’t be powered up so don’t waste any time holding the pass button.
If it works then it will likely be one of the smoothest looking goals you’ll ever score in NHL 17! I recommend trying this during a 2 on 0 practice mode session first. Here’s an example of that:
It will get you familiar with the feel of it and how long it will take to perform; which is very important in a fast paced game.
I almost scored this earlier today, but the NHL 17 gods must of known I was writing this post and wouldn’t allow it:
You can see how it tricks your opponent into thinking you’re shooting so they go down for a block which leaves you more space to pass. If you were to hold the puck out as if you were doing a regular pass then it’s possible they might poke check and get in your way.
6. The Dump-in
How: Hold RB and press up on the right analog as if you were doing a normal shot. Use the left analog to point in the direction you want the dump-in to go.
The dump-in is a lot more commonly known tactic; however, it is extremely under utilized in the EA Sports NHL series. This makes me think many players aren’t aware how to do it or aren’t aware how effective it can be. Either way, I’m about to change that!
First, make sure you have fast players on the ice so they can get to the puck quick after you dump it in. Second, before dumping it, skate to one side of the ice to pull as many of your opponent’s defenders to that side as possible then dump it in the opposite side.
It will most likely be one of their players who get their first but you should be close enough behind them that you can just bump them off the puck then pass it out front for a quick one-timer or throw it around the boards to start a cycle.
Another option is to wrap it around the boards with a shot or pass from the neutral zone. Yes, that’s right a pass! I actually prefer using a pass to wrap it around the boards as I find it less obvious and more accurate. It still has enough power to get all the way around without the goalie grabbing it as well:
Any I Missed?
Hopefully, for the sake of the post title, at least a few of those were new to you! Do you know of other tips or tricks that deserved to be in this list and aren’t? Share them in the comments below 🙂
See ya in the net!
Yet another great post. Answered a few questions I was too lazy to look up the answer for 🙂
Yeah in the other games ypu didnt need tonwait till the end and first and second to switch goalies is there a way
Didn’t you used to be able to push the puck forward on a breakaway to keep it away from defenders? I believe it was X but that doesn’t work now. Did they do away with it?
Hey Sean, sounds like you’re talking about when they took out speed burst button and instead you had to push the puck forward to skate faster? You’re right that’s no longer in the game, they brought speed burst back, which you can do by pressing in the left analog stick.
You can still kind of push the puck forward if you tap the saucer pass button(RB on Xbox or R1 on PS4), but that likely won’t be the same as what you’re remembering.
Thanks for the reply. I guess you’re right, if I had to choose, I’ll take the speed burst any day but being able to push the puck forward was a nice way to avoid the annoying poke checks from behind on a breakaway. I’ll have to try the saucer pass idea, I never thought of that. Thanks again for the advice.
I was actually wondering the same thing I always remember being able to push if forward but I’m pretty sure they got rid of it
In the past I remember forwards skating up faster when the defender gets the puck. In 17 they seem to skate up so slow I have to wait to pass it up the boards to them. Any offensive strategy setting I can change.
The “puck chop” move is really effective, especially when chasing down the puck past the goal line. The puck chop is basically what it sounds, the player slaps the puck in the direction you choose. It’s much better than using the poke check to move a free puck around.
I play hybrid control I keep pulling my goalie and I don’t know how I am doing it cost me lots of goals please help
doug LT and A pulls the goalie in hybrid
Thanks Gord! I’ll add that to the post 🙂
Is there any way to keep your goalie from pulling near the end of the game? I just about threw my controller at the TV because my goalie kept pulling even though I was continually telling him to stay in net.
can you do last man back on hybrid?
Sorry for the slow reply Mitch, yes you can 🙂 just hold down the player switch button(A on XB1 or X on PS4).
can you use a winger to take a face off without going in and editing your lines
No, you would need to edit your lines. Interesting idea though.
I’m currently trying to figure out if it’s possible to slap shot a free puck. I thought maybe chopping the puck toward the net might work well. Sadly it does not..
Literally figured it out 60 seconds after I posted that question lol
how do you do it?
You have to hold down LT(L2) when skating onto the puck. That will allow you to wind up while not in possession and then once you’re close enough to it, slap it 🙂
How do you do puck pickup? Ps4
Leave the puck for a mate that is behind you. You stop the puck and keep skating forward
Are you talking about a drop pass? I only have XBOX One, but it’s same for both.
It’s pressing R1/RB quickly – the catch is you have to let go of the left analog stick when attempting to drop pass.
Here’s a vid explaining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnxyPgmobP0&ab_channel=llamapenNHL
That first tip was solid I never knew that either, but I think 2018 is gonna be the last year I play this game if they don’t implement some kind of salary cap or something. I don’t mind spending money but I’ve spent an assload on this game and my team still doesn’t even come close to having a fraction of the players I continue to be put up against. And I don’t know why the fuck Mike Richards is some kind of Jesus on the Ice the dude is unemployed. Not to mention I have no idea where everyone got him from because he’s not for sale anywhere in the marketplace, ever. And he’s the only player that continuously scores 1-2 goals against me every single game. Even when I just lose 2 or 3 to 1. As a player I’m obviously way better than these dip shits that have sucked off god knows who to have these stacked lineups, the only reason I have to keep facing them is because when I play someone with the same players I have on my team I blow them out 10-0. I understand they’re trying to make money, I fully support that, but then charge a monthly subscription or some shit to play in the HUT seasons or something. Theres a reason REAL professional sports have salary caps, nobody wants to watch or play in a sport where skill becomes obsolete and its only focused on how much money they can squeeze out of their fanbase.
haha I’m totally with you on enforcing more balanced teams. I’m hoping that happens in HUT competitive seasons at some point. I really wouldn’t consider it competitive when probably 80% of the people participating have to play a team way better than their own every game. I suppose it’s competitive for the top 20%.
I think when they had requirements it was definitely a step in the right direction – started forcing teams below 5 stars at least.
As for Mike Richards being Jesus, yes as far as I can tell that is 100% true. He was part of the Gift of Giving set that EA did around Christmas: https://cheltips.com/hut-gift-of-giving-set/
He was given to everyone who participated and there is no other way to get him yet, unfortunately.
What’s chop puck in hybrid or is there one
how do you make your player get the puck?
Just wanna input on few general things, The website layout is perfect, the articles is very superb : D.