EA Sports has just released the HUT “Gift of Giving” Christmas set and to no surprise, it’s all about giving!
How you ask? Each set you complete adds points to a Gift of Giving Pool that will close when the set ends, December 25th 31st(set was extended). The more points the community is able to collectively accumulate the better reward we’ll get. EVERYONE who participates will receive a reward ranging from just one single Gold Rare Player(if we all suck at giving) all the way up to 8 Gold Rare Players + 1 Carbon Collectible + 94 OVR Mike Richards.
For those unfamiliar with HUT sets, I’ll cover each aspect in detail below – and at a giveaway at the end 😉
How to Complete Sets
There are two different types of sets, Novice and Epic, Novice require only Gold player cards while the higher end epic sets require Christmas Collectibles(found in packs) and Gold or Carbon Collectibles.
Novice – Gold Player Card Sets
Do you have random Gold common or rare players sitting around that you are never going to use again? Most do, unless you are one of those OCD players who have to always have a clean and perfectly organized HUT collection… at least you can still stare at your tidy collection?
Anyways, for the non-OCD players, all you need to do is trade in all those useless Gold Rare/Common player cards sitting in your collection! If you have 50+ Rares'(85+ OVR) then you can do the 50 set and earn a 12 Gold Rare Player pack that you might end up getting something actually worth keeping or just more crap players to recycle back into the set again.
*I’ll open the rest of the 12 player packs and a couple of the Winter Wonderpacks at the end of the post.
Here is the rundown of what the rest of the Gift of Giving sets require and what you get in return:
Christmas Sweater (adds 1 point for community pool)
Trade in any Gold Common Player to receive a random jersey(Bronze, Silver, or Gold)
Gold Common to Gold Rare Player (adds 5 points for community pool)
Trade in 10 Gold Common Players to receive 1 random Gold Rare Player
Collectible to Gold Rare Player (adds 5 points for community pool)
Trade in a Christmas Collectible to receive 1 random Gold Rare Player
Gold Rares to 2 Gold Rare Players (adds 10 points for community pool)
Trade in 10 Gold Rare Players to receive 2 random Gold Rare Players
Gold Rares to 12 Gold Rare Players (adds 75 points for community pool)
Trade in 50 Gold Rare Players to receive 12 random Gold Rare Players (as seen in video above)
Epic – Christmas Collectible Sets
The epic sets will earn you a special edition player, ranging from an 87 OVR Dan Boyle up to a 91 OVR Dan Boyle… why another Dan Boyle? No NHL player loves Christmas more than Dan Boyle! Na, I have no idea. I’m sure he likes Christmas though.
All five epic sets:
- 90 OVR Manny Malhotra = x10 Christmas Collectibles + x1 Carbon Collectible
- 90 OVR Kris Versteeg = x10 Christmas Collectibles + x1 Carbon Collectible
- 91 OVR Dan Boyle = x15 Christmas Collectibles + x1 Carbon Collectible
- 87 OVR Joe Sakic = x5 Christmas Collectibles + x5 Gold Collectibles
- 87 OVR Dan Boyle = x5 Christmas Collectibles + x5 Gold Collectibles
Christmas Collectibles
Cooldown Period
You may notice there is a 60 minute cooldown period for the following sets:
- Christmas Sweater
- Gold Common to Gold Rare Player
Unfortunately, some users were exploiting the sets so a Gift of Giving cooldown period had to be introduced. Some people eh? …
Gift of Giving Pool Rewards – Light The Lamp!
One of the coolest parts about this set is the Gift of Giving Pool aspect. As mentioned earlier, everyone who participates is eligible to receive an awesome reward after the set ends – providing the community completes sets and earns enough pool points.
This is especially awesome for free to play HUT players since it doesn’t matter how many sets you complete, you will get the same reward at the end. Of course, try to complete as many as you can to ensure we all get the best possible reward!
There are 10 different tiers of rewards and they are as follows:
- First Tier: 1 Gold Rare Player item
- Second Tier: 3 Gold Rare Players items
- Third Tier: 5 Gold Rare Players items
- Fourth Tier: 6 Gold Rare Players items + 2 Gold Collectibles
- Fifth Tier: 7 Gold Rare Players items + 4 Gold Collectibles
- Sixth Tier: 8 Gold Rare Players items + 6 Gold Collectibles + 86 OVR Mike Richards
- Seventh Tier: 8 Gold Rare Players items + 8 Gold Collectibles + 87 OVR Mike Richards
- Eighth Tier: 8 Gold Rare Players items + 1 Carbon Collectible + 88 OVR Mike Richards
- Ninth Tier: 8 Gold Rare Players items + 1 Carbon Collectible + 91 OVR Mike Richards
- Tenth Tier: 8 Gold Rare Players items + 1 Carbon Collectible + 94 OVR Mike Richards
- Eleventh Tier: 8 Gold Rare Players + 1 88+ Rare Player + 95 OVR Mike Richards
- Twelfth Tier: 9 Gold Rare Players + 1 88+ Rare Player + 1 88+ Christmas Player, 95 OVR Mike Richards
- Thirteenth Tier: 10 Gold Rare Players + 1 88+ Rare Player + 1 88+ Christmas Player + 1 Mystery Player + 95 OVR Mike Richards
Again, why all Mike Richards? Well, rumour has it, he left Santa’s milk and cookies inside the Stanley Cup on the night before Christmas! … na just messin’ with ya – I have no idea.
To be honest, I couldn’t really care less about Mike Richards being on my team but hey a 94 OVR is a 94!
So, if you have any Gold Common or Rare players sitting around that you’re never going to use and aren’t worth selling – complete those sets!
Sort of feels like I’m asking you to donate the canned goods that have been sitting in your cupboards for an unknown number of years… you can do that too by the way – won’t get any HUT rewards though, just that nice heart warming feeling of helping out another human. At least people tell me it’s heart warming anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
UPDATE(19/12/2016): EA Sports has added a mysterious Eleventh Tier represented by a blue light! No information has been released on what the 11th tier prize will be.
Thoughts on what it will be? Share in the comments below. All I can say… it better not be another Mike Richards!!
UPDATE(23/12/2016): We now know what prize the blue lights represent! You can see in the image below and I’ve updated the table above.

The Set expiry has also been extended to December 31st at Midnight EST. Giving us all more time to work towards that 13th tier – I’d love to know what that Mystery Player ends up being. I’m also excited about the +1 Christmas Player, perhaps we will have the opportunity to get a 91 Laine? Although, I doubt it will be any of the POTN players as it would completely crash their card value.
**Just to be clear – you only need to complete one Gift of Giving set(even just the Christmas Sweater set) to receive the full reward 🙂 but the more sets you complete the better chance we have to reach that 13th tier!
Where to check the community progress?
The community pool progress will be updated once a day at 7pm EST – follow EA Sports’ NHL twitter or check in-game for the updated progress at that time. I’ll also tweet it out too on the ChelTips twitter.
Want to discuss the tiers more? Join the discussion on reddit
When do we receive the reward?
EA Sports will send out the reward on January 6th!
Update(06/01/2017): The reward has been SENT!! Check your Unopened Packs:
You should have two packs:
- Gift of Giving Ultimate Reward Pack
- Christmas Gift Pack
Let me know in the comments what you get 🙂
Player of the Night
There will be a community voted Player of the Night(PotN) card added every day for the duration of the Gift of Giving set. EA Sports will tweet out a poll with all the PotN candidates after all games conclude, each night – make sure you vote! The first winner was Matt Murray:
POLL: Who is tonight’s #NHL17POTN?
RETWEET for a chance to win a Matt Murray Player of the Night item.
— #NHL17 (@EASPORTSNHL) December 14, 2016
I wouldn’t mind a Christmas Jack Eichel…
**PotN will be available in packs starting at 7PM EST the following day and only available for 24 HOURS!
My advice is to wait until there is a PotN that you really want before opening any packs. At least then you will have a chance at it.
Pack Opening and Giveaway(XB1)
As promised, here is what I got in the rest of my 12 Gold Rare Player Packs and also a couple of the Winter Wonderpacks – the others I’m saving until there is a PotN that I want. As if I’ll actually pull the PotN that I want… one can dream.
To Enter: All you need to do is comment anything below. The winner will get to choose between the Mitch Marner or PK Subban. If somehow we get 25+ entries then I’ll give both away to two different winners.
**Only one comment will be included in the draw per person. Feel free to comment/discuss as much as you want though!
Draw Date: Winner(s) will be randomly selected on Sunday Dec. 18th.
Update: Winners have been drawn!
First winner: “Ryan” – https://cheltips.com/hut-gift-of-giving-set/#comment-644
Second winner: “Mark” – https://cheltips.com/hut-gift-of-giving-set/#comment-694 (never heard back)
Second winner: “Brett” – https://cheltips.com/hut-gift-of-giving-set/#comment-685
Congrats! I’ve already heard back from Ryan and he’s got a brand new Subban. Will wait couple days for Mark to get back to me. If he doesn’t then I’ll re-draw another winner. Happy Holidays everyone. I’ll do more giveaways in the near future. Subscribe below to be notified.
**Be sure to use a valid email address as that’s what I’ll use to contact the winner(s). I’ll also update this page and post links to the winning comment(s).
Good luck! Hope you all enjoy the Gift of Giving Set or if you don’t play HUT then… did you actually make it this far down the post?
See ya in the Gift of Giving Pool!
Unfortunately I’m on PS4 so can’t participate on the awesome giveaway, but wanted to thank nevertheless you for yet another informative article.
I opted to sell all my useless gold players while there is a demand for them and made quite a bit of coins.
Ah, genius! Good chance you will end up getting more value that way anyway. I got a few decent pulls in the video above but that’s rarely the case 😀
Bummer about being on PS4, next time I’ll see if someone from the community wants to go in on a giveaway together to make sure we get both consoles involved.
I had crosby and 92 milestone edition kopitar in my 50 to 12 pack. Only managed to do 2 of those but still.. Crosby is 92.. Pretty insane.
wow! I don’t think I’ve even got over a 90 in a pack 😀 congrats.
Awesome post! Mike Richards leaving Santa’s milk and cookies in the Stanley cup hahah.. I hear that’s a common goodluck ritual around the holiday season for NHLers.
haha! Yes, I believe so.
Wow nice giveaway! Guess I need to start spending some more time playing the HUT along EASHL.
Thanks! Good luck. Although you might not need it with the number of entries we have so far 😀
Yeah, this is my first year really getting into HUT. I still play a lot of Online Versus and EASHL too, but the whole divisions, playoffs, and building your team aspect of HUT makes it a lot of fun. They’ve recently added quite a bit to make it more accessible for the free to play crowd too, which was the reason I never played it in past years – felt it use to be a lot more “pay to win”.
Was just searching for more information about the new sets and found this site best site I’ve seen has all the info and always love the videos of pack pulls I usually never play online in the HUT as it always seemed to be pay and glitch to win but I loved collecting the sets I was happy when they brought in single player seasons and I started to really enjoy HUT and the market. Have you guys heard anything about them brining back to the old packs for completed teams system I enjoyed the randomness for completing teams and getting packs over the new sets way. still love the upgrade sets tho.
I know what you mean, that’s how I felt for a long time too!
As for going back to the old packs for completed teams, I haven’t heard anything about that – if they do it likely won’t be until NHL 18, unfortunately. I’d prefer random packs too – I’m not really interested in the Heroes at all.
I was very confused about the different packs and this article/ videos really me. It’s my first NHl game so my team isn’t the best as I’m new to this but thanks for the help.
No problem Jack! Glad it helped. Hope you’re enjoying your first NHL game, so far.
You are King ! I play ps4 . I know i cant WIN , but you are still king!
haha! Thanks man.
Thanks, really needed some more info on this one. Awesome work!
Thanks Magnus! No problem, glad it helped.
I wanna win!
Good luck!
Nice. What did you do with the Christmas collectible cards?
Nothing yet, planning to get the Versteeg. I’ll probably end up giving it away after Christmas though – in another post. I’m not really a fan of any of the epic set players for this one, but Versteeg’s stats do look real nice.
Great one for free to play players. Making me glad I finally got NHL 17 on my Xbox!
Great article, hope we hit that high tier
This really helped. And since I’m a free-to-play player I really think this is great.
Great artcile bud. It taught me bare stuff about the new sets thanks!!!! Hope I win the giveaway!!!
Np, glad it helped! Good luck 🙂
Good article was looking for more info. Super into HUT and always looking for a good place to get info.
Thanks! I’m planning to do some more HUT content in addition to the gameplay tips.
Hope I win :))
Good luck!
Leafs fan here marner looks like such a good card
Sick giveaway and a great site… really helpful for navigating hut smoothly
Awesome Giveaway!
Leafs fan since 1989. Been through so bad times lol. But sadly I would choose subban. My defense is in major need of a stud lol
I feel your pain… Canucks fan here. Not a single Canuck on my HUT team 😀
At least your teams future looks very promising!
Wouldn’t mind either of em, nice post was unsure if we all got the rewards or not
Sets are always fun, it is nice to see that they have some nice cheap ones so everyone can get into it buuuuut…where is the powerhouse card in this set!?
That is the major complaint about this set from what I’ve seen. Not a lot for the HUT rich folk to go after. EA’s definitely heard the feedback so I’m looking forward to what they do with the next set.
Man can i have this pack luck. Like that’s insane!!!
Hopefully this is why I chose an Xbox one over a PS4. Keeping my fingers crossed!
good read
Are there going to be any other player sets? Not just versteeg Sakic and those other players. thanks
haha “and those other players” – yeah that about sums up how interested most people seem to be in the epic player sets 😀
Not likely to be any more player sets added for the Gift of Giving collection. I’m just waiting for Crosby, Ovi, or someone to get the Player of the Night nod so I can open the rest of my packs.
Love that you write these articles, thank you!
So glad you went in depth with this topic, it gets pretty confusing.
Hey man love the site. And love how you give back to the community. Like you did to my bro Canucklehead after you waxed him 9-3 couple weeks ago. Shifted him a mov as consolation. Good on ya!!!
Thanks! and wow yeah say hey Canucklehead for me – I’ll never forget that game, not sure if he mentioned it, but he scored the craziest tip goal ever! Had to watch both replays and then again after the game as well lol… it was beautiful.
Thanks for helping clear the air about the Christmas giveaways! Makes me want to be a little more generous now that I know exactly what its for.
I hope I win!!
This is a great post, thank you for the detailed information about HUT Gift of Giving Progress! Please enter me in the drawing that will take place December 18th; man I could really benefit with PK Subban being my First Line D.
Hope to hear from you!
Thank you.
Thanks for the info 🙂 I’d love to be part of the giveaway.
Wow thanks for all the useful info and I would love that marner, his stats are sick!!
Wow thanks for all the useful info and I would love that marner, his stats are sick!! I really hope I win
Go hawks
Thanks for the info and I wish that versteeg was still a hawks player.
Good luck to all! And happy holidays!!
I’d love to wint that SUBBAAANNN, thanks for doing the giveaway! Class act.
Awesome article dude!!!
Great post Pogue (:
Twitter is: @tylerverloop
Hey Pogge, what time do you think that you will announce the winner?
Going to draw and announce the winners in approx. 30 mins 🙂
Winners will be emailed and I’ll also update the giveaway section of the above post with links to the winning comments.
Great post as always! Enjoy seeing the new content you put out! Merry Christmas and happy new year to you!
Thanks Johnny! Hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well 🙂
hey brother just looking to enter the giveaway i am a div 1 player on xbo1 love the page.
Hey Troy, thanks! The giveaway ended on Sunday; however, still haven’t heard back from one of the winners so you might still have a chance 🙂 will give them bit more time.
Why wouldn’t someone want a free marner your saving 60k. Plus he is apparently really really ready good
I know right! That’s what I thought.
Marner? Pick me 🙂
Would you mind explaning why the 11th is blue and the other red ? Do we have to complete specific set to get the blue christmas ligth reward ?
Hey Sebastien, it’s only because they added it mid-way through the Set duration. It’s like a bonus tier along with the 12th, 13th, and 14th because the community has been doing so well 🙂
You don’t have to do anything else to get the blue light rewards, long as you have completed at least one Gift of Giving Set, even if it’s just the Christmas Sweater one you will still get the reward for whichever tier we end up on at the end of the Set.
I haven’t got my reward for the gift of giving set I was on number 11 any hits to why guys and girls please I’m desperate my highest overall is seabrook at an 87
I haven’t gotten my reward for the gift of giving set and I was on the 11th tier
Hey Travis, it’s out now, check your unopened packs 🙂
Have the rewards shown up? I checked this morning before work, and didn’t see anything. Not gonna be home again til late. Thanks for any information you can provide.
Yeah it’s out now 🙂 you should have two packs waiting for ya in your unopened packs menu! https://cheltips.com/hut-gift-of-giving-set/#When_do_we_receive_the_reward
Good luck, hope you get some good pulls!
Is it still possible to get a mike Richards card if I hadn’t received a “giving” pack? Can I participate late? Am I able to somehow obtain a mike Richards card of any kind? Thanks…favorite player and pretty bummed out that I missed out 🙁
Unfortunately not at this time 🙁 you had to participate before Dec. 31st.
That is currently the only Mike Richards in HUT; however, EA could include him in another set in the future, so all hope is not completely lost!
So this explains why everyone and their grandma all have Mike Richards. Annoying seeing him before every single game. Kinda bummed I missed out on this though as a 95 center would cause my center situation to be all but perfect.
ea sports is garbage with this mike richards card… ruined the game for people who didn’t get an opportunity to get him..why would they do that? i will never buy another ea game again